Dan: what's up bro...
Jason: hey, good evening
Dan: good morning... :) how are things?
Jason: they are really good...
Dan: awesome... you got some time for me this morning?
Jason: yea i do...fire away
Dan: Hello Jason, first of all, please let everyone know where you are from, who you are and what you do?
Jason: I am from the great state of alabama and i am currently a missionary to to the college students of Thailand.
Dan: I’m from Alabama as well. Actually I was just there with CMC? What church are you from?
Jason: New Life Church in Westover.
Dan: Oh man... we were just there for a Wednesday night service and it was great. What an awesome church... How long have you been over in Thailand?
Jason: I have been here 5 months now
Dan: How are you doing picking up the language?
Jason: Well i have been in class for 4 months and i can get around. it is the 3rd most difficult language... but nevertheless still learning... Every conversation with me is an experience for a Thai person
Dan: Tell us a little bit about your journey from Alabama to where you are now...
Jason: I felt that God wanted me to go into some type of ministry but had no idea what that might be. So i attended Southeastern College and majored in Accounting at first. (i chose that to be safe). But through my time there God really focused me in on a specific call. Still not clear on what i should do i graduated and went back to alabama.
I knew i wanted to be involved in young people’s lives and also do leadership training at some level. well, i knew of this program called master’s commission and saw it to be a great way of leadership training but through my time of wondering about my direction i also felt a call to missions. so i had no clue how to tie the two together.
I was asked by a missionary, Eddie White to help him host a team in Romania so i did and it was a Master’s Commission team from Denmark. well to my amazement that was something like what i wanted to do. so, i actually applied for the program but instead of being accepted i was hired on staff. i worked in the program for 2 years and still knew God had a longer term plan for me. Then i was approached or i approached a missionary in Thailand, Dennis Harris and was told of the incredible opportunity in Thailand for leadership training. After a lot of prayer, I felt the peace of coming to Thailand.
Dan: so you've been there for five months now...What's life like in Thailand? like culture... are you in a city or way out... that sort of thing
Jason: I am in the middle of Bangkok which is the home in the day time to 16 million people. Most days the traffic and the amount of people is unbelievable. Just a simple run to the store or post office can be a grueling task ...just getting there first then trying to communicate. but the people are incredible. very disciplined. it is incredible to see how their religion plays into their culture in such an incredible amount
Dan: this next question is going to be a little deeper... and if it's too much... just tell me...
their religion and mindset...Although not in Asia per se, Jesus did live in an Eastern culture and the Bible was written from that perspective and context as well. You come from a Western culture but are working now in a culture that probably more closely resembles the mindset of the people Jesus' was interacting with. Do you find the adjustment for you difficult... stimulating... Are the people there able to connect with the teachings of Jesus?
Jason: they are able to connect to the teaching of Jesus, but Buddhism is the thing that does that for them. It is open to any good teaching but they only select parts to implement into their already arrayed beliefs. The way to connect them is through relationship. I know this is pretty general but they have not seen this in Buddhism. Once introduced to the concept of relationships then a relationship with Jesus can happen more effectively
Dan: Tell us a little bit about what you are doing. Like what is an active morning, day, and night for you.
Jason: Well now the days are crazy... (language school). I am in school everyday from 9-12 then I usually come home to do some homework. during the week myself and Dennis Harris and two young people from the church we are working with go to the large campus here and pray for a couple of hours. I love this time. it is usually the most powerful time in my week. then my nights are filled with more study or spending time with other missionaries here....the Thai field has some great families and an incredible totally family mindset.
Dan: how many other Americans are there that you have the opportunity to interact with?
Jason: There are 6 families and 3 singles.....
Dan: So you get some taste of "home" then?
Jason: yea sometimes they let me talk real southern... make me some sweet tea and fried chicken... i feel great then
Dan: that's awesome. What's next for you guys? What projects are coming up ahead and what are you working on right now?
Jason: well our purpose for our weekly prayer at the campus is to start to meet the needs of the campus body....we strongly believe that is learning english. So, we look to start an english training center on or near the campus. Kind of a laid back school almost like a coffee house setting. then through that, form relationships with the student. And then eventually graduate these students into a leadership/discipleship program (Master’s Commission) I am not sure that it will look like. you and i know of masters in the states but the goal is still Discipleship and leadership training
Dan: I love the fact that you are approaching ministry through a process instead of just holding events.
Jason: definitely. events fade.....relationship stays.....kinda corny but is most certainly the case.....
Dan: how long do you think you'll be over there?
Jason: I believe that God has called me to this kind of ministry and i feel incredible about this place and can definitely see me being here very long term
Dan: Well, it's definitely special kind of "calling". What would you say to people who feel a strong “calling” towards another culture?
Jason: It is a very scary decision to finally make but if you really feel the calling to missions... Go... and when you do, the peace that you will feel will be indescribable. Because you are where God wants you.
Dan: Let's end on a couple of lighter notes... and thanks again for your time
Let's talk about Thai cuisine. I first tried Thai food in Ireland of all places and liked it. what should I order at a Thai restaurant here? I'm a wuss when it comes to spice.... I need something mild.
Jason: COW POT GUY or GANG KIAWAN. that is the english phonetic
Dan: Ok... so what exactly am I ordering? Ha...
Jason: The first is fried rice with chicken and some thai flavoring and the next is a green curry with chicken in it.....anything you order just say “MY PET”....which means no spice....i have learned that line well but still after saying it does not guarantee it will not be spicy
Dan: nice... well, I like what I had but my wife wasn't too fond of it so I'll probably go solo next time I try it.
One last question and this is very important... Do they have Starbucks where you are?
Jason: they do...and i know the shortest routes to all of them!!!!
Dan: thanks again for your time... So proud of you being there bro and if you ever see me online, feel free to hit me up. BTW, when are you back in the States?
Jason: I've saved up enough money and vacation time and I'll be home for Christmas this year but I'm here until 2010.
Dan: We’ll be up in Alabama for Christmas as well. We’ll def have to hook up if it can work out.
Jason: That’d be great. we can meet at a thai restaurant at the summit on 280... Thai Emerald.
Dan: I’d love that. Any last words? Shout Outs?
Jason: Just some words if traveling to Thailand ....Dont drink the water and don't buy fruit from street vendors...if either is done you are in for a long night!!!!!
If you'd like to get to know Jason even more, sign up for his newsletter, or better yet, support what he's doing, please visit www.jebelesinthailand.com.
1 comment:
I'm in for Thai Emerald!!!
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